Grazing is o.k. for adults, but with kids it can quickly become all-day snacking, which is not a healthy habit. Does this sound familiar? Try creating a snack-time (not in front of the TV) with substantial, healthier choices that will sustain your kids for longer. Keep processed food to a minimum in favor of those filled with proteins, carbs and vitamins, which will give your kids more energy to hit the jungle gym, instead of the couch.
Want to satisfy a sweet tooth? Try raisins, dates and other dried fruits. Savory all-natural foods like nuts, California Ripe Olives and canned beans are also really quick and easy. If you have a few more minutes, get into the kitchen with your kids and teach them how to make a wholesome snack of their own. With a few ingredients that kids love and a toaster oven, these Toaster Tuna Triangles can't be beat.
[recipe-show template="recipe-embed" recipe="toaster-tuna-triangles"]