Tomato and Olive Salad

  • Makes about 5 cups; 6 servings


  • Ingredients

    • 2 pounds Roma tomatoes, firm and ripe
    • 3/4 cup California Black Ripe Olives, halved
    • 1/2 cup seasoned rice vinegar
    • 2 tablespoons firmly packed brown sugar
    • 1/2 teaspoon coriander seed, cumin seed, and mustard seed, cumin seed, and mustard seed
    • 1/16 teaspoon Cayenne pepper
    • 1 to 2 tablespoons parsley, coarsely chopped


  1. Drop tomatoes into about 8 cups of boiling water; after 5 seconds, lift out, let cool 5 to 10 minutes, then pull off peel.
  2. Cut tomatoes into bite-size pieces; add olives and set aside.
  3. Over low heat combine vinegar, brown sugar, coriander seed, cumin seed, mustard seed and cayenne pepper; simmer, stirring, just until sugar dissolves, about 1 minute.
  4. Pour vinegar mixture over tomatoes and olives; mix gently but thoroughly.
  5. Let cool slightly, then cover and refrigerate at least 30 minutes or up to 4 hours.
  6. Mix gently, then sprinkle with parsley. Use slotted spoon to serve.