A Toast to Summer

- 2 slices of white bread, toasted
- 4 Tbsp Cream cheese
- 1/4 Cup Sliced almonds
- 3 Crackers, crushed
- Handful Leafy greens of your choice, for example, green onions, parsley, cilantro, or chives
- 1 California Green Ripe Olive
- 2 California Black Ripe Olives
- Slice each piece of toast into a square and place one above the other on a plate
- Spread a layer of cream cheese on the bottom third of the lower piece of toast, cover the spread with crushed cracker
- Spread a layer of cream cheese from the lower right corner to the upper left corner to and starting at the bottom, layer sliced almonds on top of each other to create a trunk spreading across both pieces of bread
- Arrange greens into palm fronds at the top of the trunk. Use cream cheese as glue if they begin to slip.
- Arrange 2 California Black Ripe Olives and 1 California Green Ripe Olive as coconuts between the top of the trunk and the base of the leaves, covering the bottom of the leaves.
- Enjoy your California Ripe Olive toast!