A Toast to Summer


  • Ingredients

    • 2 slices of white bread, toasted
    • 4 Tbsp Cream cheese
    • 1/4 Cup Sliced almonds
    • 3 Crackers, crushed
    • Handful Leafy greens of your choice, for example, green onions, parsley, cilantro, or chives
    • 1 California Green Ripe Olive
    • 2 California Black Ripe Olives


  1. Slice each piece of toast into a square and place one above the other on a plate
  2. Spread a layer of cream cheese on the bottom third of the lower piece of toast, cover the spread with crushed cracker
  3. Spread a layer of cream cheese from the lower right corner to the upper left corner to and starting at the bottom, layer sliced almonds on top of each other to create a trunk spreading across both pieces of bread
  4. Arrange greens into palm fronds at the top of the trunk. Use cream cheese as glue if they begin to slip.
  5. Arrange 2 California Black Ripe Olives and 1 California Green Ripe Olive as coconuts between the top of the trunk and the base of the leaves, covering the bottom of the leaves.
  6. Enjoy your California Ripe Olive toast!