Activity 3

Food on the Move

Many foods are grown in the United States today, but some of them are not native to this country. They were brought here by explorers, settlers and immigrants. The climate was similar to where they came from. For example, young olive trees were brought to South America and Mexico from parts of Europe that have warm climates. Then monks planted new trees as they built missions in what is now California – the home of the California Black Ripe Olive.

Other states are well-known for specific foods too – Wisconsin for dairy products and Washington for apples, for example. What about your state? Do you have a specific food that is grown or produced there?

Part I

States are known for features other than foods produced there. Research your own state to find out some interesting facts. You can use state history books, encyclopedias, almanacs or other reference books. Or you might try the Internet; many states have official web sites that contain this information.

Fill in the chart to show what you found out about your state.

State name:
Crops or animals raised:
State bird:
State flower:
Famous people:
State parks:
Major industries:
Tourist attractions:

Part II

In your research you must have learned something new and interesting about your state. If you could tell someone one interesting thing about your state, what would it be?