Program Overview
Program Overview
Food for Thought, a multidisciplinary program for grades 3-5, can be incorporated into the health, social studies and math curricula. The interactive lessons use California Ripe Olives as a guide through these different subject areas. The activities are designed to strengthen students’ nutrition awareness, to boost confidence in using research skills as they seek knowledge about their states and to reinforce math skills as they complete a variety of math problems.
Target Audience
Food for Thought is designed for use with students in grades 3-5. The program includes age-appropriate lessons to be used in health, social studies and math classes.
Program Components
- This teacher’s guide includes background information, instructions for implementing the program, answer keys and follow-up activities to extend the lessons.
- Four reproducible student activity sheets.
- Three copies of a full-color wall poster designed to complement the program.
- A reproducible certificate of completion.
- A teacher response card. Your comments help us create programs that meet your needs and those of your students. Please take a moment to complete and return this card.
Program Objectives
- To help students better understand the nutritional value of the foods they eat.
- To encourage students to make good food choices.
- To educate students about the different kinds of fat.
- To inform students that some fat is needed in their diet.
- To examine how different foods were brought to America by explorers, settlers and immigrants.
- To give students an opportunity to learn more about their own state.
- To help reinforce math skills.
Using the Program
Activity Sheets
Photocopy the activities for students to use as worksheets. The activities that are part of the Food For Thought program are designed to build upon one another and are most effective when used in the order in which they are presented. However, since each class of students is unique, we encourage you to use your discretion when presenting the program. For example, you may want to do some of the activities or parts of activities as a group.Food For Thought Poster
Wall Poster
Display the Food for Thought classroom poster in a highly accessible area to reinforce the lessons of the program. There are three posters included with this program. Please share the additional copies with your colleagues, along with photocopies of the teacher’s guide, activity sheets and certificate of completion.
Certificate of Completion
Make enough copies of the certificate for each student and individualize them by inserting students’ names and signing your name. When students have completed the Food for Thought program, present each with a personalized Certificate of Completion. These official documents will help students show pride in finishing the program successfully.