Activity 3
Keep on Moving!
Part I
Your habits can make a difference in how you look and feel. Exercise is important because it helps keep your body and mind healthy. A big problem for many people today is that they don’t get enough exercise.
You might: swim jog walk bike row skip hop jump skate | You might play: baseball basketball soccer hockey kickball tag | You might practice: dance yoga karate |
Try some of these, or your favorite activity. Time yourself. Then check out how many calories you burned by going to Calorie/Activity Calculator. |
Part 2
Most kids your age should get at least 60 minutes of exercise each day. It doesn’t have to be organized sports or long workouts. There are simple things you can do. Make up some simple, creative exercises such as the Backpack Lift. Use your back-pack as a weight and lift it a few times while you wait for the bus or in line at school. Think up some simple things you can do to increase your level of physical activity. Write them on the back of this sheet; then share them with the class.